Various training events are available for access officers, rangers and other access professionals, covering a range of access management themes.
Various training events are available for access officers, rangers and other access professionals, covering a range of access management themes.
NatureScot Sharing Good Practice programme
Participatory training events covering a range of access and other themes. Practitioners with varying levels of experience share ideas and approaches on a topic relevant to their work and/or personal development.
Paths for All Training and Development Programme
Courses on topics related to outdoor access management, planning and development of path networks, and promoting their use.
Scottish Outdoor Access Network
SOAN brings together over 200 people who work across Scotland on outdoor access and related issues. SOAN organises two national conferences every year on topical access issues, along with local workshops and other networking events.
The Scottish Countryside Rangers Association
SCRA arranges training courses around Scotland for rangers and other outdoor professionals.
The ORN is committed to exchanging and sharing information to develop best policy and practice in outdoor recreation across England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.