Rivers, lochs and reservoirs
Information about access to rivers, lochs and reservoirs.
Responsible behaviour by the public
The Access Code says:
Access rights extend to rivers, lochs and reservoirs (but never go close to spillways or water intakes). Care for the interests of other users and for the natural heritage of rivers and lochs by:
- not intentionally or recklessly disturbing birds and other animals
- not polluting the water as it may be used for a public water supply
- making sure that the river, loch or reservoir is appropriate for your activity and the numbers involved
- following the guidance in the Code, and any local byelaws, to ensure that your activity will not interfere unreasonably with the interests of other users, such as anglers, or the environment.
Responsible behaviour by land managers
The Access Code says:
Where appropriate, work with your local authority and other bodies to help identify areas for parking vehicles at popular sites and places where people can best take access to the river or loch without causing any problems. Avoid putting fences from one side of a river to the other side without reasonable cause or without putting in gates at the sides or leaving a gap in rivers used by canoeists. Public bodies could take steps to promote the use of reservoirs where access would not conflict with water quality.